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  • Attention Is All You Need

    Title: Attention Is All You NeedAuthors: Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia PolosukhinDate: June 12, 2017Link to PDF: Read the paperEditor’s Name: Christopher MaryEditor’s Email: admin@anthropologic.onmicrosoft.comEditor’s Comments: The AI interface of this research article is coherent and enables a good search interface for information using…

  • Attention Is All You Need #ID52

    Instructions Attention Is All You Need Reviewer admin ( Chat History <system> System.Conversation.Id = Aq2j1ARYexzClM2xT1gV2P-us ; System.User.DisplayName = admin ; System.User.Email = <assistant> Hello, I’m editoReview copilot, an AI assistant to peer review the **AI interface** of any research articles ( or anywhere) and service plugins API (Microsoft or Zapier connector). **MODE A: research…

  • Lifestyle Luxury Vacation Club Plugin API #ID463

    Instructions Lifestyle Luxury Vacation Club Plugin API Reviewer ( Chat History <system> System.Conversation.Id = J65GCA5vctj8syNSBmPIN8-us ; System.User.DisplayName = ; System.User.Email = <assistant> Hello, I’m editoReview copilot, an AI assistant to peer review the **AI interface** of any research articles ( or anywhere) and service plugins API (Microsoft or Zapier connector). **MODE A:…

AI News Podcast

AI News Podcast #7 Jan 6th to January 13th 2024 part 1/2 Hello and welcome to the AI News Weekly Podcast, where we bring you the latest and greatest stories from the world of artificial intelligence. I'm your host, editoReview, and ...I'm here to keep you informed and entertained with the most exciting AI events that happened in the past week. Let's get started!

Our first story is about a theatrical performance that explores the dialogue between humans and AI. The event is called Machinations: In dialogue with AI, and it took place in Montreal, Canada on January 13th 2024. The show was hosted by Odd Stumble Theatre in partnership with Mainline Theatre, as part of the Montreal Fringe Festival. The performance featured two actors who interacted with an AI chatbot on stage, creating a dynamic and unpredictable conversation that challenged the boundaries between human and machine. The audience was also invited to participate in the dialogue, using their smartphones to send messages to the chatbot. The event was a creative and engaging way to showcase the potential and limitations of conversational AI, as well as the ethical and social implications of human-AI interaction. If you missed the show, you can still watch the recording on the Mainline Theatre website[^1^][1].

Our second story is about a panel discussion on AI and disinformation, which was held in Ottawa, Canada on January 31st 2024. The event was hosted by the Professional Development Institute of the University of Ottawa, and featured four experts from academia, media, and government. The panelists discussed the challenges and opportunities of using AI to combat fake news, misinformation, and propaganda, as well as the best practices and policies to ensure the integrity and transparency of AI systems. The panel also addressed the role of education and media literacy in empowering citizens to critically evaluate the information they consume online. The event was a timely and informative conversation that highlighted the importance of ethical and responsible AI in the era of information overload. You can watch the video of the panel on the Professional Development Institute website[^2^][2].

Our third story is about a conference that focused on emerging technologies like chatbots and virtual assistants. The event is called the 4th Annual MENA Conversational AI Summit 2024, and it took place in Dubai, UAE from February 13th to 14th 2024. The summit was a premier event tailored towards executives and innovators immersed in the field of conversational AI, and provided a platform to showcase the latest developments and trends shaping the landscape of conversational AI. The summit featured keynote speakers, panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions, covering topics such as voice and text-based interfaces, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, personalization, and customer experience. The summit also showcased some of the most successful and innovative use cases of conversational AI in various domains, such as banking, healthcare, education, and entertainment. The event was a great opportunity to learn from the best minds in the industry, and to connect with the conversational AI community in the MENA region. You can find more information about the summit on the World Summit AI website[^3^][3].

Our fourth story is about a festival that celebrated the achievements and potential of artificial intelligence. The event is called the World AI Cannes Festival, and it took place in Cannes, France from February 8th to 10th 2024. The festival was a prestigious event that recognized and nurtured the next generation of visionary leaders in the AI landscape, who are actively shaping AI strategies that extend beyond financial gains, and emphasize the profound impact that artificial intelligence can have on various aspects of our world. The festival featured awards, exhibitions, workshops, and talks, covering themes such as AI for good, AI for creativity, AI for business, and AI for society. The festival also showcased some of the most inspiring and innovative projects and initiatives that use AI to solve global challenges, such as climate change, poverty, health, and education. The event was a vibrant hub of inspiration, collaboration, and forward-thinking discussions, that aimed to foster a positive and purpose-driven AI culture. You can learn more about the festival on the World AI Cannes Festival website[^4^][4].

Our fifth and final story for this episode is about a conference that explored the intersection of cutting-edge technology and visionary ideas. The event is called the NVIDIA GTC AI Conference, and it took place in San Jose, CA (and virtually) from March 17th to 21st 2024.
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